PRIORITY Edited Reaction
Deliver within 3 business days will fully edited reaction.
Silences and unnecessary filler words cut out. Fun engaging editing and more in-depth research within video.
**ONLY ACCEPTING Music videos or Performances that are CLEAN [non-explicit within reason]** Submissions for overly explicit content will be ignored and refunded.
Deliver within 3 business days will fully edited reaction.
Silences and unnecessary filler words cut out. Fun engaging editing and more in-depth research within video.
**ONLY ACCEPTING Music videos or Performances that are CLEAN [non-explicit within reason]** Submissions for overly explicit content will be ignored and refunded.
Deliver within 3 business days will fully edited reaction.
Silences and unnecessary filler words cut out. Fun engaging editing and more in-depth research within video.
**ONLY ACCEPTING Music videos or Performances that are CLEAN [non-explicit within reason]** Submissions for overly explicit content will be ignored and refunded.